The video of Bill Shorten passionately getting stuck into Scott Morrison over the deadly Robodebt fraud is truly fantastic theatre viewing, as much for what was not said than for what was said.

This posting:

Supposedly a “Question without notice”, what you can watch in the video below is a very carefully scripted  bit of play-acting with the question that was put to Bill Shorten and his carefully rehearsed reply.


In response to the question, “Who are the real victims?“, Bill Shorten responded with a well rehearsed statement, which was mostly true, but there was an easily missed whopper of a lie that may be the reason why Scott Morrison was quietly smirking in the back row of parliament.

BILL SHORTEN: “The real victims were those who suffered trauma, anxiety and distress. [TRUE]

The real victims were those who took their own lives. [TRUE]

The real victims are the mothers of those who took their own lives. [TRUE]

The real victims are all those Australians who have lost trust in government [TRUE]

because of an unlawful scheme run for 4½ years.” [THE LIE – This scam, based upon illegal data-matching had been run by the ALP and Coalitions governments for decades.]


Ask yourself is that why Scott Morrison was smiling and amused by Bill Shorten’s blistering tirade?

Coalition should formally apologise to robodebt victims: Bill Shorten | — Australia’s leading news site

NOTE: The fraudulent letter of demand shown above was issued in  2012, i.e., 11-years ago, when Julia Gillard was the Prime Minister of Australia.


Centrelink had made a mistake, i.,e., the failure to take into account the fact that the welfare recipient had reported receiving Income Protection insurance payments, but this was apparently overlooked, which was a Commonwealth error.

The Robodebt lie was the statement that “We are therefore required to reover this amount.”

The truth was that every cent of the alleged debt was required to be waived under the following 6-WEEK-RULE:

The last sentence above that I have underlined in red makes it quite clear that since at least 1991, whenever a Commonwealth error that results in an overpayment occurs, i.e., a Centrelink mistake, after 6-weeks (42 days), the overpaid money cannot be legally recovered.

Make no mistake, Bill Shorten was accusing Scott Morrison of systemic mass fraud and serial murder and yet, for some reason, Scott Morrison was sitting in the back row of Parliament and smirking at Bill Shorten’s outraged tirade.

Why was this so?

I suspect that the answer is to found in the first 3 minutes of the video below that I uploaded to YouTube over 5-years ago.

The real creator of ROBODEBT was the Hawke Government.

Take note that in the video below, the government lawyer, Elizabth Ulrick, did not deny that the Hawke Government was the creator of this murderously lethal scam.

Elizabth Ulrick also did not deny the massive alleged death toll that was disclosed in the Havaunes appeal.

This may have been because denying that offically unreported, classified and officially “irrelevant”  death toll would have required doing the unthinkable, i.e., revealing the unreported death toll that was an officially “irrelevant” State secret. Hmm!

In his very passionate speech, Bill Shorten some how forgot to give the cridit to Bob Hawke for creating the deadly data matching frauding about 35 years ago.

Since that time, this fatal fraud had been in operation under the leadship of every prime minister, including Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd and, as the letter of demand in 2012 reveals, under leadership of  Julia Gillard.

Does anyone seriously believe that Scott Morrison forgot what he said in this video?

Some of the 10,000 pages of information that I sent to the Robodebt Royal Commission, ‘disappeared’ for about 5-weeks and I can only wonder about the difference between what I submitted to the royal commission and what was received.

A cleaned up, colour text annotated version of the 2012 letter was submitted to the Robodebt Royal Commission was sent, but was it ever received? If it somehow made its way to Scott Morrison, then that letter of demand totally undermines Bill Shorten’s speech and exposes him as just another political con artist.

In addition to the possibility of that letter AND a DVD copy the above video, starring George Brandis and Tanya Slibersek, going astray, I wonder if this letter from Bill Shorten’s mother-in-law, Quentin Bryce, went astray and wound up in Scott Morrison’s hands?

In October 2009, Quentin Bryce knew that the Howard government had been defrauding and randomly killing welfare recipients, i.e., all those nasty things that Bill Shorten was accusing Scott Morrison of when speaking in parliament on the 10th August 2023. 

[Psst! – TOP SECRET – Quentin Bryce is Bill Shorten’s mother-inlaw.]


When the above fraudulent letter of demand was written, Bill Shorten was the Employment Minister and one of his jobs was illegally enforcing the Work for the Dole scheme, which is slave labour as it has been unconconstitutional since the 1946 referendum added Section 51(xxiiiA)!


Scott Morrison knows that Work for the Dole is unconstitutional, which is one very big reason to smirk.

UNREAL: The Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, does not know that Work for the Dole is slave labour. 

Another reason to smirk is that Scott Morrison may also have the other Quentin Bryce letter:

10 years ago, the proverbial ‘penny dropped’ that having a great times deceiving, terrorizing, defrauding, recklessly endangering, and randomly likking welfare recipients did not exactly meet with the constitutional requirement that it was the job of federal politicians, and the Governor-General, to provide “good government”.



Sometimes it really is nice to be wrong. Exposing people to COVID-19 is just as illegal as Robodebt, but the death toll from ‘COVID-GATE’ is still rising.

At the beginning of the year I predicted a COVID-19 death toll that may be around 27,000 – 30,000+.

God willing, as the table below reveals, there are now an average of ‘only’ 747 deaths per months, which would indicats a potential total death toll of ‘only’ 26,015.

Take care my dear readers:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Ronald Medlicott. Citizen, teacher, and a Christian volunteer lay-advocate

This entry was posted in abuse of power, burden of proof, Case law, civil rights, crimes against humanity, genocide, Human Rights violations, international criminal court, international law, murder, News and politics, Political, right to life, Uncategorized, Welfare rights, White Collar Crime and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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